- 11th Jul 2024
- 17:34 pm
In this assignment you need to edit the program, which uses machine learning to produce music, so that the songs it produces can have different verse structures. As the program is, it produces songs in one structure: ABCBDB, with A being the first verse, B being the chorus, C being the second verse, and D being the bridge. I’d like to add a section of code allowing for a second structure: AFBCFB, with A being the first verse, B being the chorus, C being the second verse, and F being the pre-chorus. I’d also like a line that randomizes which verse structure will be used for each song.
Enhancing ML Music Program to Randomize Verse Structures - Get Assignment Solution
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Free Assignment Solution - Enhancing ML Music Program to Randomize Verse Structures
# std
import argparse
import glob
import pickle
# 3rd party
from keras.utils import np_utils
from keras.callbacks import ModelCheckpoint
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers import Dense
from keras.layers import Dropout
from keras.layers import LSTM
from keras.layers import Activation
from keras.layers import Bidirectional
import numpy
from music21 import instrument, note, stream, chord, converter, duration
def get_args():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Process model training info")
parser.add_argument("--name", type=str, help="model name", required=True)
"--songs_dir", type=str, help="midi songs for training", required=True
parser.add_argument("--checkpoint", type=str, default=None, help="checkpoint to start training")
parser.add_argument("--notes", type=str, default=None, help="preparsed notes")
parser.add_argument("--epochs", type=int, default=10, help="number of epochs to train for")
return parser.parse_args()
def main():
args = get_args()
songs = glob.glob(args.songs_dir + "/*.mid")
t = Trainer(args.name, songs, args.epochs)
t.train_network(args.checkpoint, args.notes)
class Trainer:
def __init__(self, model_name, songs, epochs):
self.model_name = model_name
self.songs = songs
self.model = None
self.epochs = epochs
def train_network(self, checkpoint=None, notes_file=None):
""" Train a Neural Network to generate music """
if not notes_file:
notes = self.get_notes()
with open(notes_file, "rb") as filepath:
notes = pickle.load(filepath)
# get amount of pitch names
n_vocab = len(set(notes))
print("n_vocab", n_vocab)
network_input, network_output = self.prepare_sequences(notes, n_vocab)
self.model = create_network(network_input, n_vocab)
if checkpoint:
print(f"Loading from checkpoint {checkpoint}")
self.train(network_input, network_output)
file_name = self.model_name + ".hdf5"
print(f"Model saved to {file_name}")
def get_notes(self):
""" Get all the notes and chords from the midi files in the ./midi_songs directory """
notes = []
for file in self.songs:
print("Parsing %s" % file)
midi = converter.parse(file)
except IndexError as e:
print(f"Could not parse {file}")
notes_to_parse = None
try: # file has instrument parts
s2 = instrument.partitionByInstrument(midi)
notes_to_parse = s2.parts[0].recurse()
except: # file has notes in a flat structure
notes_to_parse = midi.flat.notes
prev_offset = 0.0
for element in notes_to_parse:
if isinstance(element, note.Note) or isinstance(element, chord.Chord):
duration = element.duration.quarterLength
if isinstance(element, note.Note):
name = element.pitch
elif isinstance(element, chord.Chord):
name = ".".join(str(n) for n in element.normalOrder)
rest_notes = int((element.offset - prev_offset) / TIMESTEP - 1)
for _ in range(0, rest_notes):
prev_offset = element.offset
with open("notes/" + self.model_name, "wb") as filepath:
pickle.dump(notes, filepath)
return notes
def prepare_sequences(self, notes, n_vocab):
""" Prepare the sequences used by the Neural Network """
# get all pitch names
pitchnames = sorted(set(item for item in notes))
# create a dictionary to map pitches to integers
note_to_int = dict((note, number + 1) for number, note in enumerate(pitchnames))
note_to_int["NULL"] = 0
network_input = []
network_output = []
# create input sequences and the corresponding outputs
for i in range(0, len(notes) - SEQUENCE_LEN, 1):
sequence_in = notes[i : i + SEQUENCE_LEN]
sequence_out = notes[i + SEQUENCE_LEN]
network_input.append([note_to_int[char] for char in sequence_in])
n_patterns = len(network_input)
# reshape the input into a format compatible with LSTM layers
network_input = numpy.reshape(network_input, (n_patterns, SEQUENCE_LEN, 1))
# normalize input
network_input = network_input / float(n_vocab)
network_output = np_utils.to_categorical(network_output)
return (network_input, network_output)
def train(self, network_input, network_output):
""" train the neural network """
filepath = (
self.model_name + "-weights-improvement-{epoch:02d}-{loss:.4f}-bigger.hdf5"
checkpoint = ModelCheckpoint(
filepath, monitor="loss", verbose=0, save_best_only=True, mode="min"
callbacks_list = [checkpoint]
def create_network(network_input, n_vocab):
print("Input shape ", network_input.shape)
print("Output shape ", n_vocab)
""" create the structure of the neural network """
model = Sequential()
LSTM(512, return_sequences=True),
input_shape=(network_input.shape[1], network_input.shape[2]),
model.compile(loss="categorical_crossentropy", optimizer="rmsprop")
return model
if __name__ == "__main__":
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About The Author - Ria Sharma
Ria Sharma is a software developer and machine learning enthusiast with a passion for music technology. In this assignment, Ria enhances a music generation program to support multiple verse structures, such as ABCBDB and AFBCFB, and adds functionality to randomize the verse structure for each song. This project highlights Ria's expertise in combining AI with creative applications.